Analysis and insight
The more we know about you, the better the end-product will be. So a project’s initial analysis is key to its success. The aim is to get to know you as a client, understand what you want and where your organisation is headed.
The more we know about you, the better the end-product will be. So a project’s initial analysis is key to its success. The aim is to get to know you as a client, understand what you want and where your organisation is headed.
All organisations are unique, as is their digital presence. Because we have worked with hundreds of different companies and organisations over the years, we know that the best way to understand your business is to analyse it in detail. We therefore begin each project with workshops. Together we look at the reasoning, we question, we challenge and are challenged ourselves, and finally we document all the insights we obtain to get a clear view of both the big picture and the details.
The most important guidance for a project is its goals and purpose. We ideally aim to set measurable goals as these provide clear indications as to whether or not we have succeeded. Once we understand what your organisation wants to achieve, we can develop an online strategy to help us achieve that objective in the optimum way.
Your target groups are the best source of knowledge. So we always start by analysing their needs. Just as significant is that the content must address and appeal to each individual target group, and it’s vital to establish which groups are most important.
Whose content should have priority of place and why? Do any of the groups mainly get their information offline or social media and how do we address this? We analyse and discuss these issues together.
But understanding an organisation isn’t just about identifying these target groups. We also review existing content and conversion strategy.
Your website is often key to generating more sales, more members, more engagement, supporting employer branding or generating leads, so it needs to have a high rate of conversion. Together we establish the website’s relevant objectives and how best to drive visitor traffic to achieve this.
We use SEO analytics, Google Analytics or Hotjar to collect data about visitor behaviour and preferences. Data-based decisions are usually best, and these tools provide us with the data we need. During a new project we may also conduct a web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG) analysis and improve this aspect so it meets all requirements. After launch we continue to assess and enhance the website through conversion optimisation and data visualization.
Digital maturity or the need for support changes in all the organisations that we work with. Many want us to carry out extensive preliminary work, while others do lots themselves, sometimes together with a branding agency. In these cases, it’s important that Triggerfish is party to the insights gained to ensure the entire project group has the same level of knowledge when it begins. We set the bar at a level that suits you.